Unlocking Success in Core Banking Migrations with Neo Analytics

In the ever-evolving world of banking, the need for robust, agile, and efficient core banking systems has never been more critical. As financial institutions strive to meet growing customer demands and regulatory requirements, core banking migrations become essential. However, these migrations are complex and fraught with challenges. Enter Neo Analytics – your strategic partner in […]

Migrating Core Banking Systems: Modernizing Your Core

In the rapidly evolving world of financial services, maintaining an edge often necessitates upgrading core banking systems to leverage modern capabilities, improve efficiency, and enhance customer experiences. However, transitioning from a legacy system to a new core can be daunting, filled with complexities and potential pitfalls. This is where Neo Analytics provides a streamlined, efficient, […]


Neo Analytics has announced a partnership with Databricks, the leader in unified analytics founded by the original creators of Apache Spark, to bring Azure Databricks to its bank customers, delivering better data Analytics, ML and data integration. Azure Databricks is a fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform optimised for Azure. It enables customers […]

APRA Connect Automating Compliance Reporting

Regulatory reporting is getting a shakeup as the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) has unveiled a new data collection solution to replace the 20-year-old D2A (Direct to APRA) system. The new replacement will be comprised of a web-based portal, and all APRA regulated institutions will be required to meet their regulatory commitments largely by submitting […]

The Modern bank compliance model

Traditionally, models focused on compliance where conceived and built at a time when the purpose of regulatory compliance was largely to enforce the legal obligation. The concept of regulation to identify and manage risk was at best a secondary consideration. In more recent times it has become clear that regulation is much more than the […]

AI – Lead with Confidence

Currently there is a lot of hype around AI and with significant ongoing investment from venture capitalists, major technology companies, and companies across industries over the past decade, it’s clear that AI is an essential technology of the future. While the complexity underpinning AI may seem intimidating, a high-level understanding of AI capabilities is all […]

The Path to Integration

Neo-Analytics can help your organisation generate value from data by reducing the cost of the operational and technical challenges in integrating business applications and data. Data integration done right can increase revenue, reduce customer loss to competitors and optimise processes. Data integration enbables successful digital transformation and helps ADI’s become data driven to meet rising […]


COVID-19 related resources and information APRA aims to assist regulated institutions in considering and prudently managing the risks posed by a potential influenza pandemic, or any other widespread outbreak of contagious disease that could affect their operations. The information in this guide supports compliance with Prudential Standards CPS 232 Business Continuity Management (CPS 232) and […]